Integration in the Netherlands

To live comfortably in the Netherlands, you, as a newcomer, must learn the language and understand how society works.


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On this website, you will find information about living, working, money, education and health in the Netherlands. You will learn here about your rights and your obligations: what you can and what you must do to live here. This will help you with your integration.
The Newcomers Bureau employs integration directors. Your integration director helps you with your integration. Together you look at what suits you best. You can also ask the director all your questions about your integration. 

You have a residence permit

If you have a residence permit, you have to integrate. That is written in the law. Moreover, integration helps you to feel at home in Arnhem quickly. The municipality of Arnhem will therefore help you with your integration. On this page, you can read how your integration proceeds.

The start of your integration

If you are still living in an AZC, you can already start with pre-integration. You can also already do voluntary work. As a result, you will learn the Dutch language and get to know about Dutch culture. That will come in handy when you have your own house in Arnhem. 

Your official integration starts when you get a residence permit and know where you are going to live. When you come to live in Arnhem, you will meet one of our integration directors. 

Plan for Integration and Participation (PIP)

Together with this integration director, you make a plan for your integration. This is called a PIP. PIP means Plan for Integration and Participation. The aim of that plan is to pass your integration exam within 3 years.  

Learning the language

Together with the integration director, you decide which learning route you will follow. There are 3 learning routes. 

The educational route

This learning route is for young people who would like to follow an education in the Netherlands. They learn as quickly as possible what it takes to be able to go to school here. Sometimes, adults can also go through this route.

The B1 route

This learning route is for adults who can learn the language well. The aim is for these newcomers to be able to speak and write the language at B1 level within 3 years. While learning the language, they also do voluntary work

The self-reliance route

This learning route is for people who cannot follow the B1 and the educational route. You learn the language and participate in society. If you follow this route, you will receive a final interview and an integration certificate after 3 years. 

Participating in Arnhem

In order to become a good citizen in Arnhem, we want you to participate in society. 3 abbreviations are important for this: KNM, MAP and PVT. 


KNM means Knowledge of Dutch Society. You will learn about this during your integration. You will have to answer questions about this during your exam. 


MAP means Labour Market Participation Module. This is a training course about working in the Netherlands. Your integration director will help you find a training course. The director will also determine if you have passed the training.

Read more information about working in the Netherlands and working during your integration


PVT stands for Participation Statement Route. In the participation statement, you declare that you want to actively participate in Dutch society. And that you respect what is important in the Netherlands: the Dutch core values. This statement is needed for your integration exam. 

Finding work (or volunteering) 

The integration director helps you prepare for paid work. For this purpose, you will look for suitable voluntary work together. 

Social guidance

When you come to live in Arnhem, you will receive social guidance as well as help from an integration director. Someone from the Dutch Refugee Council will help you for eight months. This guidance helps you to arrange things and sort your finances. This person will also help you, for example, to get to know your neighbours.  

You are a family migrant

You have a Dutch partner and now live in the Netherlands yourself. This means that you are a family migrant. If you have to integrate and you live in Arnhem, we will invite you for an interview.

Learning the language

Together with the integration director, you will draw up a integration plan. We will also help you choose a learning route. You will pay for your education yourself. You must pass your exam within 3 years.